Uitlaat: Interview

Interview: Meer details rond BMW 1-serie M Coupé

De wereldpers, waar wij uiteraard niet bijhoren, kreeg begin oktober de kans om met het huidige prototype van de 1 reeks M coupé te rijden. Het was ook op dat moment dat Albert Biermann, Hoofd van ontwikkelling binnen de BMW M GmbH groep, meer details gaf rond de lang verwachte 1 M coupé. We geven jullie het interview integraal mee om zo geen afbreuk te doen aan nuances en quotes. Het interview bij Meer Lezen.

M-Power.com:  Mr Biermann, what makes the 1 Series M Coupé so special?
Biermann: In my opinion, the 1 Series M Coupé is completely in the tradition of the first BMW M3. It is compact, focused on the essential, and presents outstanding driving dynamics. In addition, it opens the door to BMW M – in particular its price will also make it more accessible than our other products.

BMW 1 M coupe
M-Power.com: Where will the price be then?

Biermann: The price has not been fixed yet. However, I’m sure that it will lie somewhere between the 135i Coupé and the M3 Coupé, with a clear tendency towards the 135i.

M-Power.com: What will the customers be getting for their money?
Biermann: The BMW 1 Series M Coupé is driven by a 3.0 litre inline six cylinder bi turbo engine delivering about 340 hp. This power is transferred exclusively via a six speed manual gearbox. A closer look at the prototypes will reveal many similarities to the chassis, brakes,  and rear differential of the BMW M3.
  M-Power.com: So what we have is a small BMW M3?
Biermann: To a certain extent, absolutely. Yet, on the other hand, not really. There are parallels between the power and weight of the BMW 1 Series M Coupé (we expect about 1500 kg) and the BMW M3 E46. On the performance side, though, it will be in its own league. We assume that the 1 Series M Coupé will be about ten seconds faster than the M3 predecessor on the Nordschleife. And of course it will have its own particular character.

M-Power.com: Its own particular character is also shown in the first design details. What can we expect here?
Biermann: Of course, we can’t disclose all of the details today. A number of distinctive design details can already be viewed on the internet. In addition, you can expect to find the usual M icons both inside and outside. However, one figure I can give you: the BMW 1 Series M Coupé will be about 80 mm wider than the 135i.

M-Power.com: When can we expect further details?
Biermann: We’ll be announcing all details on the BMW 1 Series M Coupé in mid December. Until then, there is a constant stream of news at M-Power.com. The world premiere of the BMW 1 Series M Coupé will be held at the Detroit Auto Show in January 2011, and vehicles will be delivered to the first customers in early summer.

BMW 1 serie M coupé

Bedankt Hannes voor de tip

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